Treatment of fungus toenails

Alternative medicine has a lot of folk remedies that are in the home help to find the answer to the question, how to cure foot fungus without complications. It is a safe methods of conservative therapy, but their use in practice should be discussed with your doctor. If not promptly remove the fungus on toe nails, the disease becomes chronic, and the number of recurrences increases.


What is the fungus on my feet

Fungal infections are infectious disease and are localized not only on the skin but also the nail plates in the inter-pallavam space. For the successful treatment of nails is required to destroy pathogenic flora, and then with the help of medications and folk remedies to restore the affected areas. Otherwise, the positive dynamics is absent.

Fungus on the feet accompanied by severe itching, nail changes color and structure, and the affected skin characterized symptoms redness, peeling. Appearance of diseased nails are hard to confuse: they turn yellow, deformed and become loose, peeling and chipping. Dominated by stop excessive sweating. First, the patient suffers from a cosmetic defect, but in the absence of therapeutic interventions health problem is only getting worse. To cure onychomycosis, observance of rules of personal hygiene are not enough, you want to use conservative methods.

How to treat onychomycosis antifungals

Fungal diseases requires a comprehensive approach to the problem, which also includes using medications, personal hygiene, carrying out a number of tests to identify the specifics of the pathogenic fungi. Once infected the disease for a long time asymptomatic, so the disease process is exacerbated and recovery takes time. In addition, the duration of intensive therapy depends on the variety of mushrooms. To bring these germs, without the use of antifungal agents can not do.


From athlete's foot and nail plates help about the same medicinal product, presented in several forms of production. It tablets, capsules, creams, ointments and sprays that will be assigned with timely treatment to the doctor. Additionally, you can use homemade recipes that aim at accelerating the process of regeneration foci of disease. Supposed to be treated until complete disappearance of the fungus, and then to enforce the rules of personal hygiene daily.



Before you do anything with fungal infections need to consult a dermatologist. After traversing a diagnosis it is recommended to use antifungal ointments topically to efficiently remove all of the disease. For healthy nails needed those drugs which do not cause local allergic reactions; it is absolutely safe for health.

On the affected with fungus toes applied a thin layer of ointment, but first you want to wash the foci of pathology. The same name the active ingredient destroys the cell enzymes of fungi, reduces the insight of the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, contributes to their large-scale dieback. Positive dynamics is observed after a couple treatments, but the treatment of nails and skin need to finish. Among the advantages of affordable price of the drug, the disadvantages of not help cure the fungus.


Healing cream also help to cure fungal infection on his feet. If the fungus affects the skin, you need to choose a drug to eliminate the risk of developing side effects. The appointment can only be done by a dermatologist. Below are an antifungal cream which, when used in the home treatment of foot fungus is most productive.


Infected with fungus in public baths and showers, while the spores of pathogenic micro-organisms have a high viability. To destroy pathogenic flora, you can use pills in combination with antifungal ointments, spray and solutions. The therapeutic effect is only amplified, the symptoms disappear in the home.


Effective treatment of toenails occurs with the participation of the special coatings that could be used even during pregnancy, lactation. Previously required to handle the shoes of local antiseptics, otherwise after this course of treatment there is a repeated relapse. Many patients lubricate the affected nail plate of such a composition, thereby to visually mask the aesthetic defect (yellowed and loose nails).


Treatment of nail fungus at home

With the help of household fixtures can also be painful cure the fungus of the lower extremities. Treatment in house conditions is not less productive, however, to ensure positive dynamics is required in any one week to carry out daily routines. It can be compresses, baths, infusions, water decoctions, lotions, and other medicinal compositions for application topically. Previously recommended to treat the foci of pathology peroxide solution as effective and commonly available antiseptic.

Warm baths

Such water treatment is prevent the spread of pathogenic infection, reduce the foci of pathology. Before their use is necessary to wash the legs with bar soap, allow to dry. Water for the bath to warm to room temperature, and the procedure is carried out not more than 15 minutes. Rasparte feet, then wear socks to warm feet. Water treatment is recommended before bedtime, missing 1 session per day. For example, after the trays with vinegar painful flora dies, because fungi reduce viability in acidic environment.

Bath with celandine

To prepare water infusion, it is recommended to pour 1 tablespoon of pre-shredded celandine, 1 tbsp. of boiling water. To insist plant composition under the covered lid, strain the concentrate and dilute it with warm water (1 – 2l). Then to cure fungus, supposed to lower the legs into the liquid, wait 15 – 20 minutes. Then put on warm socks, do not remove until morning awakening.

Coffee tray

To prepare this folk remedy requires 4-5 tablespoons of ground coffee pour 1 liter of boiling water and brewing the traditional way. In the strained composition at room temperature is necessary to steam the legs for 20 – 25 minutes. After not wiping his feet, immediately hide them in socks, which is not removed until the morning. The recipe is effective, and to conduct water treatment is recommended for 2-3 weeks every day, otherwise the disease progresses

How to treat chronic fungus of the toenails

In severe clinical pictures doctors prefer the bath with sea salt, which often uses baking soda. Recipe of both drugs is identical: 1 tbsp of raw materials necessary to dilute the 1 liter of water, to warm to room temperature until complete dissolution of crystals. Then lower the foot and not pulling until cool water. Water procedures carried out daily, in addition to drinking antifungal drugs.

Treatment of folk remedies

Using vinegar water or alkaline mixture, a patient may experience an allergic reaction on the skin. To avoid this, previously required to test for the sensitivity of the skin with a cotton pad. If the back of the hand signs of Allergy has not arisen, it is allowed to use these public funds for the purpose. An allergic reaction can occur to garlic, the pulp of which is applied to the area of fungal infections in the form of compresses. Other, safer recipes presented below.

Oil celandine

A solution of iodine

To quickly cure the ailment, in warm water you must add 5-7 drops of iodine, mix well and lower lower limbs. Conduct aquatic therapy, preferably a quarter of an hour, then wipe your feet and put on socks. If the bath is not enough, dermatologists recommend efficiently treat the affected surface with a concentrated antiseptic is to make a grid of iodine.

Oil celandine

Such oil-based can be prepared at home or easily buy at the drugstore. To cure a foot fungus, the patient before sleep should RUB the affected area concentrated celandine, put on top of warm socks. If the tool does not work or cause allergies, there is an alternative. To cure the fungus, it is better to combine the oil and celandine in the ratio of 1:1, simmer for 3 hours in a water bath. The cooled composition applied to the pre-steamed legs daily for 1-2 weeks.


It is important to know how to cure fungus on the feet, and how to prevent such nasty infection on his feet. Patients are supposed to follow the basic preventive measures, to eliminate the effect of pathogenic factors. Preventive activities are presented below:

  • daily observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • do not use someone else's shoes, to try on naked feet;
  • to control sweating of the feet, avoid high humidity;
  • to acquire personal rubber Slippers for baths, saunas and pools.