Folk remedy for foot fungus

The causative agents of fungal infections are very tenacious. The infection often affects the feet and nails of the limbs, because the legs that are sweaty, shackled shoes – a comfortable breeding ground for fungi.

traditional methods

How to treat foot fungus

To get rid of the fungal infection, which is easily identified by a photo of the affected skin conditions home treatment is possible. For this purpose, proven folk remedies. You have to consult with your doctor, especially if the disease was the result of diabetes or infection often recurs. How to cure foot fungus folk remedies? It is necessary to ensure hygiene and diligently to perform the preparatory procedure.

If the disease is complicated by ulcerations of the skin, the limbs should be pre-disinfected, making foot baths with potassium permanganate is pink. If the skin is thickened, it is necessary to remove dead skin layers, causing them salicylic vaseline. Then the treatment will go more quickly. Only then you can proceed directly to health procedures.

How to cure foot fungus folk remedies? As medicines are often used:

  • the celandine;
  • mint;
  • baking soda;
  • boric acid;
  • essential oil;
  • vinegar;
  • eggs;
  • soap;
  • onion, garlic;
  • sour cream;
  • tincture of iodine (but it is better not to use – you can earn thyroiditis).

Folk remedy for foot fungus in adults

The choice of drugs is very great. However, most people prefer to start fungus treatment on legs folk remedies with these recipes:

  1. Weekly cleaning of the feet. Legs moderately heated with hot water, liberally RUB with soap and treated with a hygienic brush for feet for 5 minutes. The foam wash away. These steps repeat 4-5 times. Then dry feet cuticles with a moisturizing cream.
  2. The bath with celandine. Approximately 50 g of dry pharmaceutical raw pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, put on fire, after 4-5 minutes remove. Keep feet in warm broth half an hour. The course of treatment – 2-3 weeks. Celandine is good to alternate with sagebrush.

Folk remedies against fungus in children

Athlete's foot is better amenable to treatment at the first symptoms, when the disease is not running. Effective folk remedy for foot fungus in the initial stages of the disease – tea tree oil. The substance is repeatedly rubbed into the affected area. The use of this potent antiseptic is one of the fastest methods to get rid of the fungus. Effective yet gentle products such:

  • Sour cream. Helps relieve itching and cracking. They anoint the feet at night. The course of treatment – 1 week.
  • Baking soda. Popular antifungal for feet, which is also good eliminates skin burning, itching. The powder is diluted with water so that a thick mass. It is applied to the affected area and wash off after drying.
  • Calendula. Flowers pour boiling boiling water (1:2) after half an hour, filtered. Infusion lubricate the foot before sleeping.
methods of dealing with fungus

How to treat foot fungus folk remedies

Drugs homemade favorably to the pharmacy because the recipe is simple and does not require large expenditures. Folk remedies widely used in the forms of:

  • foot baths;
  • compresses;
  • ointments;
  • infusions, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

To get rid of the fungus is possible using birch tar. It is a universal tool, which treated of the foot, the cracks, lesions between the toes, diseased nails. Problem areas lubricated with a thin layer of the drug, and after 1.5 hours, remove the cloth. To wash feet is not 2 days. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times until the tool will not have the desired effect. Still popular:

  • Vinegar (not to be confused with the essence that can burn feet). The fungus does not tolerate an acidic environment. Regular vinegar baths to gradually destroy the infection.
  • Garlic. It is mashed in half with butter and applied as a compress for the night.
  • Bow. This is a very simple solution: the bulb is cut and the juice rubbed into problem areas.

Remedy for foot fungus between the toes

Help many such recipes:

  • Mint leaves mash to drain juice and season with salt and smear the paste interdigital spaces. After 1 hour, rinse.
  • Sprouts of potato tubers chop, pour the brim with alcohol, to insist 3-4 days. To make compresses for the night.
  • Wet after steaming legs to handle boric acid powder thickly falling asleep between patients fingers.

Treatment of skin fungus on legs

It is also simple recipes. Improve your skin with the help of such folk remedies for foot fungus:

  • The oak bark. To do a foot bath with warm water.
  • Lemon. RUB the juice the patient's skin. Can be alternated with onion juice.
  • Coffee. This is a quick remedy for skin fungus on the feet. Brewing strong drink and do foot baths.

Cure foot fungus on sole

If reproduction is the sole, there are several treatment options:

  • When the disease has just started, you can try instant coffee. In socks every day, pour fresh powder and go for about a week.
  • Popular folk remedy for foot fungus – 9% vinegar. Soles repeatedly smeared it over the Crescent.
  • A great method of treatment of an application with fir-tree oil is a wonderful antiseptic.
people's ways of dealing

Folk remedies for fungus on nails

The most popular and effective prescription – egg dissolved in an acetic essence (no more than half a Cup). After a week of steeping in the dark until the shell has dissolved – whisk the mass with 100 g of butter. This ointment smeared steamed nightly nails. The affected blades are soft, and they are cut. Treatments alternated with trays of soda and soap. In addition, the nails cuticles:

  • tincture of propolis;
  • juice of garlic;
  • a decoction of oak bark.